Sample program to use an CCS811 as a CO2 meter in xAAL. Tested on a ESP32 board and CJMCU-811v1 breakout. This is a native xAAL device, no aditionnal gateway or broker needed. To configure edit the include/config.h (ssid,password, xaal key, and xaal device UUID). The default key is "xaal". This device doesn't handle incomming request (is_alive, get_description..) but simply send this informations at a fixed period of 120 sec. This is enough for sensors. IDE: PlatformIO, because it handles dependencies. Notes: - Depends on : - YACL for CBOR - NTPClient for the NTP (needed by ChachaPoly) - Crypto for ChachaPoly - Adafruit CCS811 Library - If you want to use the Lolin32 Lite, SCL & SDA won't work out of the box. Edit Adafruit_CCS811::_i2c_init. Wire.begin(..)