# xaafloor - xAAL SensFloor Fall Detector This xAAL device connects (via USB or TCP) to a a SensFloor device (by FutureShape ) Based on activation messages received from the SensFloor device, this xAAL device manage a table of the global floor state. Then, it checks if the mats activation looks like a fall or someone lying on the floor. In case of falls detections, it sends alerts on the xAAL bus. A fall is defined by at least 8 contiguous triangle mats with an activation capacitance greater than 22. (These magic thresholds sounds good...) In order to be reactive, this device look at falls each time it receives a message from the SensFloor device, and also every 5 seconds. The pseudo-recursive algorithm is rather simple and has some limitations: - each triangle mat is checked several times; efficiency could be improved ;-) - two close falls only separated by a single inactive triangle are considered as one global fall Volunteers are welcomed to improve this.