# Generic Feedback Renderer This xAAL device is a so-called user feedback renderer. It waits for an Inform request on the xAAL bus, then calls a third-party appplication able to inform the user in a mean or in another. The Inform requests contain a message and a message-level indicator. ## API of third-party inform-app Third-party inform appplications are called with the message-level indicator passed as the only argument in command-line. The content of the message is provided in the standard input. The inform-app should set its return status as follow: "0" if the inform-app is not capable to manage user acknowledgement, "1" if the user does acknowledge the message, "2" if the user does discard the message, any value otherwise. As an example one proposes 'via_upnpav.sh' This shell-script arranges the message-text and the message-level indicator into an svg picutre (see template_*.svg), convert it to jpeg, then push the jpeg on UPnP-AV rederers. It returns "0". It depends on: par, sed, inkscape, convert (ImageMagic), and uav-play