## xaajax A generic HMI for xAAL devices able to handle the dynamicity of xAAL Following everyone's approche: web technologies, including ajax... # Architecture - lighttpd: the frontend . Serves static files (html, css, js, ...) . Manages one (or many) fastcgi process (start, monitor, kill, restart, ...) . Gives dynamic html requests to it . Optionnal: https hsts htaccess ... - xaagent: the backend . Acts as the fascgi process for lighttpd, accepts dynamic html requests . Reply in json with information about what it learns about xAAL devices . Monitors the xAAL bus, store interesting information into a sqlite3 db Note: The html and javascript parts are static files. The only dynamic part are answers in the form of json data provided by the xaagent, handeled by ajax jqueries &co. (Usable also as RESTful complient gateway? ;-) ) # Dependencies - package of the lighttpd server itself - the xAAL library - packages: uuid-dev libjson-c-dev libsqlite3-dev libfcgi-dev liburiparser-dev # Todo - Migrate to NoSQL (e.g. Redis, whitedb, etc.), or else with simple lists... - Interesting js library: https://labs.mbrooks.info/demos/Tidy-Table/ https://github.com/jongha/jquery-jsontotable