# Generic Feedback Renderer This xAAL device is a so-called user feedback renderer. It waits for an 'inform' request on the xAAL bus, then calls a third-party appplication able to inform the user in a mean or in another. ## API of third-party inform-app Third-party informing appplications are called and the content of the message is provided in the standard input. ### Via UPnP Renderers As an example one proposes 'via_upnpav.sh' This shell-script arranges the text of the message into an svg picture (see template.svg), convert it to jpeg, then push the jpeg on UPnP-AV rederers. It depends on: par, sed, inkscape, convert (ImageMagic), and uav-play ### Via a phone call The second example is 'via_phone.tcl' This expect-script connects to an asterisk manager port, initiate a call, and feed the asterisk_espeak plugin with the text of message. It depends on: asterisk, espeak (+ wanted voices), and the asterisk-espeak module ### Notes on configuring asterisk #### Install Debian packages for asterisk and espeak are fine. Unfortunately, asterisk-espeak is not yet packaged; compile it. apt-get install asterisk asterisk-dev espeak libespeak-dev mbrola-fr1 libsndfile1-dev libsndfile1 libsamplerate0-dev libsamplerate0 cd /usr/local/src git clone https://github.com/zaf/Asterisk-eSpeak.git cd Asterisk-eSpeak sudo make install #### Users accounts One need an account which playing the role of the caller. The callee can be registered elsewhere. Arrange something like this at the end of /etc/asterisk/users.conf : [6001] context=default secret = 1234 host=dynamic [6002] context=default secret = 1234 host=dynamic #### Account for the manager Create a file like /etc/asterisk/manager.d/xaal.conf : [xaal] secret = mysecret deny= permit= read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,originate write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,originate #### Configure the asterisk-espeak module Edit /etc/asterisk/espeak.conf : [general] usecache=no samplerate=16000 [voice] voice=mb-fr1 speed=80 volume=100 wordgap=0 pitch=40 capind=15 #### Restart asterisk sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk restart or asterisk -vvvcr > core reload > exit ### Notes on configuring the via_phone.tcl script - Asterisk Manager Check IP, port, username, password according to /etc/asterisk/manager.conf and /etc/asterisk/manager.d/*.conf - Sip accounts for caller and callee, seeĀ /etc/asterisk/users.conf and /etc/asterisk/sip.conf