Copyright 2014, Jérôme Kerdreux, Telecom Bretagne Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty. Contents ======== The archive contains the following software : - xAAL/ : xAAL Python Library - services/ : xAAL Services (not needed for basic operation) - xAALCache/ : Caching service - xAALMetadata/ : Metadata repos - gateways/ : Gateways for - Knx/ KNX (eibd) gateway - Zwave/ Zwave gateway (based on OpenZwave) use Zwave S2 stick - X10/ X10 gateway for X10 (CM11 adapter) - apps : xAAL Apps : - xAALBrowser/ Web interface for xAAL network - cmdLine/ - devices : some device xAAL wrapper : - Spotify Player - WiiBalance Installation ============ To install the software, simply add the xAAL directory in your PYTHONPATH. For example, in a bash terminal: $ export PYTHONPATH=/home/jkx/Projets/SID/xAAL/trunk/ At this time, there is no, nor pip support (see the TODO list). Tests ===== - Edit the xAAL/ to fix CONF_DIR, and SCHEMA_DIR - CONF_DIR: default config file path (Be careful, the directory must exist !!) - SCHEMA_DIR: path where you store the schemas. - Schemas are mainly used for the xAALBrowser at this time. - Start the dumper. cd apps/cmdline; python ./ ========= ========= *****Header***** Devtype dumper Action: alive Msgtype: notify Version: 0.2 Cipher: Signature: Target: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Source: 543b8b7c-3db3-11e4-b99d-3c77e618c6f7 - Start devices/spotify; python ./ Empty config file /home/jkx/.xaal/SpotifyAgent.conf ========= ========= *****Header***** Devtype spotify.agent Action: alive Msgtype: notify Version: 0.2 Cipher: Signature: Target: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Source: e58c04d0-3db3-11e4-97b3-3c77e618c6f7 - Send command through xAAL to spotify cd apps/cmdline; python e58d7d24-3db3-11e4-97b3-3c77e618c6f7 stop - Now you can try the web interface : - Install cherrypy if needed (apt-get install python-cherrypy3) - Start the web-server : cd apps/xAALBrowser; python - Browse http://localhost:8080/devices SUPPORT ======= You may have found a bug, so please let us know at : Copyright and License: ===================== See license directory TODO ==== - Add a / pip support .. - Fix the ifdown / ifup error. Right now, on an ifdown the xAAL API raise an socket.error. - Fix WiiBalance Bluetooth connection. - Fix in xAALBrowser: * Default methods forms/buttons to add parameters inputs like dimmer for instance. * Avoid reload the entire page /devices - Fix Spotify schema WARNING ======= - The API send a "attributesChange" each time a attribute change. This doesn't follow exactly the xAAL specs. -- The xAAL Team.