{ "title": "contact.basic", "description": "Simple contact-sensor device; e.g. door or window opening sensor", "lang": "en", "documentation": "http://recherche.imt-atlantique.fr/xaal/documentation/", "ref": "http://recherche.imt-atlantique.fr/xaal/documentation/contact.basic", "license": "Copyright Christophe Lohr IMT Atlantique 2020 - Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.", "extends": "basic.basic", "attributes": { "detected":"detected_t" }, "methods": { "get_attributes": { "description": "Return attributes of the device, i.e. 'detected'", "in": { "attributes":"attributes_t" }, "out": { "detected":"detected_t" } } }, "notifications": { "attributes_change": { "description": "Report attributes that have changed, i.e. 'detected'", "out": { "detected":"detected_t" } } }, "datamodel": { "detected_t": { "description": "Detection status of the contact sensor", "type": "data = bool" }, "attributes_t": { "description": "List of wanted attributes", "type": "attributes_t = [ ? \"detected\" ]" } } }